Saturday, 29 December 2012

Damini is no more

Today I am ashamed to call myself an Indian. My head hangs in shame and my heart is crying. 

I am ashamed of being a citizen of an impotent society. A society which prides itself for being the mother of all civilization, but has slowly and surely forgotten the meaning of being civilized. 

I am ashamed of my inability to do anything, my helplessness. I cry for my sisters/mothers/daughters who suffer silently or fade away, without notice, quietly. 

My Proud society kills a girl at her birth, during her growing years, after she's grown up, when she is old and even after her death even though we respect her a lot...

I am ashamed of my proud society which slashes throats if someone marries out of their religion or caste or sub caste, or if a girl is seen without a veil. But this very society goes in a chilling silence, in a impotent inaction when someone rapes their daughters/sisters/mothers.

I am a part of the system and 'am equally to be blamed. I am sorry my sister... we were not able to save you. I am sorry that we could do nothing, but react instead of proactively protecting you.

I am sorry that even after your death, I am so clueless and helpless that in the same city at least 15 Rape incidences were recorded after that fateful day.

Please forgive me.... I know you can, you always have.. :'( :'(

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